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Ordo Iuris

Life protection


Ideology under the guise of law – another attempt to introduce radical ideas at the UN

The United Nations forum will witness yet another attempt by radicals to try to push concepts such as sexual and reproductive rights, sex education and abortion into the international discourse.

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Civil liberties


The Strasbourg Court extends the definition of 'homophobic hate speech'

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that the refusal of the prosecutor's office to press charges against the authors of harsh comments under the photo of a couple of LGBT activists constitutes discrimination and infringement of the right of persons in homosexual cohabitation to have their private and family life respected. It has thus illegally extended the current definition of the term "hate speech".

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Persecution of Christians worldwide is reaching an unprecedented scale - Open Doors report

Open Doors, international organization which examines the situation of Christians and the intensity of their persecution, has issued its annual report. It concluded that the bloody persecution of Christians is intensifying globally. 260 million were affected in 2019.

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Family and marriage


Barnevernet human rights violations mechanism - Ordo Iuris report presented in Oslo

Norway posts many cases of human rights violations, including the right to the protection of family life, by Barnevernet, a controversial agency for children.

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Life protection


Promotion of abortion and gender ideology in the annual report of the European Parliament

The European Parliament reissued an ideological document promoting abortion and gender theory. Like any other year, MEPs adopted the annual report on human rights and democracy around the world and the EU policy on the subject.

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