· There is an ongoing migration crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border.
· The Belarusian authorities are actively involved in organising the increased migration wave and helping migrants to cross its territory to the border with Poland.
· The European Parliament held a debate on ‘the situation in Belarus and at its border with the EU, and the security and humanitarian implications’.
· The debate was remarkably calm, with the majority of MEPs unanimously supporting Poland’s resistance and condemning the aggressive actions of Belarus.
· On 11 November, the European Parliament adopted a resolution exceeding its competences and violating the good name of Poland.
· Poland complies with the decision of the European Court of Human Rights to implement interim measures. Poland has prepared assistance in kind for foreigners in the territory of Belarus near the border with Poland and for a long time has been making efforts to deliver it to foreigners by legal means, which, however, has been prevented by Belarus.
• The Ordo Iuris Institute is representing a Polish child who fell victim to a paedophile in Norway.
• The Norwegian authority for children – Barnevernet – took the child away from his parents solely on the basis of unverified information about alleged domestic violence.
The Ordo Iuris Institute launches a programme in defence of the good name of Poland. In response to repeated historical lies and accusations made against Poland by LGBT political activists, politicians and foreign media claiming that Poland violates international commitments, the Institute has issued a report on the social and legal situation of individuals with homosexual inclinations or gender identity disorders and a plan of specific legal actions.