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Family and marriage


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has informed that it has started to carry out the instructions of the Prime Minister concerning the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of Families

During a press conference Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has informed that the Istanbul Convention will be sent to the Constitutional Tribunal and that Poland has launched international cooperation in order to adopt the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of Families.

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Life protection


Protecting health instead of promoting abortion - Ordo Iuris petitions the government regarding the activities of WHO

The crisis caused by the pandemic has put the activities of the World Health Organisation at the centre of public debate.

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Family and marriage


Magdalena Olek: Ideological document attacking Poland – Ordo Iuris comment on European Parliament resolution

European Parliament has adopted a scandalous resolution “on public discrimination and hate speech against LGBTI people, including LGBTI free zones.” Adoption of the document had been preceded by a resounding debate on alleged discr

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Life protection


The WHO aims to promote abortion and sex education, Poland remains silent

The World Health Organisation has been striving to pass an international abortion right and undermine the primary role of parents in the upbringing and education of children for years.

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Life protection


A United Nations Committee categorizes protection of human life as torture – Commentary by Ordo Iuris Institute

Last month the United Nations Committee against Torture held a periodic review of implementation of the Convention against Torture by Poland.

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Family and marriage


Asylum for Silje Garmo officially confirmed

The Office for Foreigners has officially announced that Poland has granted asylum to Silje Garmo and her daughter. This resolution confirms the December decision in the matter made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Ordo Iuris lawyers represented the Norwegian before the Polish authorities.

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