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Anna Kubacka: The war does not prevent the European People's Party from demanding sanctions against Poland

· An extraordinary session was held in the European Parliament to discuss Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

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Let's judge Putin! Ordo Iuris gathers evidence of Russian crimes

· The Ordo Iuris Institute, in cooperation with the Collegium Intermarium University, launched a programme of gathering evidence of Russian war crimes.

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Civil liberties


Stop war crimes. The appeal for international investigations

· In Ukraine, the war caused by Russian aggression continues.

· As a result of military actions, war crimes are committed against civilians.

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Humanitarian crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh. Call for action from Ordo Iuris

In recent times, information has been circulating around the world about the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh. Hundreds of people have died as a result of military action in this region and thousands have been forced to leave their homes.

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