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New composition of the European Commission – the next step towards the implementation of ideological postulates

Published: 29.10.2019

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The European Parliament has accepted the new composition of the European Commission. For the first time in its history, the European Commission will be chaired by a woman – German Ursula von der Leyen, known for supporting the gender ideology and the Istanbul Convention. Similar views are also expressed by the new commissioner for equality.


One of the main priorities of the new Chairwoman of the European Commission is to achieve equality in “business, politics and society”. For this purpose, van der Leyen has announced the presentation of new proposals in the scope of anti-discrimination legislation and the creation of the European Gender Strategy. The main assumption of the Strategy is to be the proposal of binding means aimed at the transparency of salaries and the introduction of male/female quotas in companies’ management boards. The implementation of the gender balance policy is also to be reflected the first composition of the European Commission “balanced in terms of gender”. Importantly, according to the new Chairwoman of the European Commission the entire European Union should join unconditionally the Istanbul Convention, which is one of her priorities. If the Council of the EU does not agree thereto, van der Leyen will support the addition of the gender violence to the list of criminal offences in the Treaty on the European Union.


Planned measures aimed at the right initiative of including a greater number of women in the political and business life may infringe the democratic rule of equality before the law. The solution consisting in introducing quotas in politics of companies’ management boards favours candidates due to their sex, not competencies, achievements or public’s approval gained. Quotas and parities also limit the choice of citizens and preserve the established state regardless of social changes. Moreover, the Ordo Iuris Institute has warned many times against the content of the Istanbul Convention, which on the one hand promotes the gender ideology, but on the other hand incorrectly indicates the causes of domestic violence (due to which it is ineffective in the fight against the violence problem) and ignores violence experienced also by men.


The European Commission will also comprise the commissioner for equality and commissioner for democracy and demography. The first of these commissioners, Helena Dalli coming from Malta, supports granting spousal privileges to people practising a homosexual way of life. During her hearing before the European Parliament, Dalli also declared commitment in the so-called reproductive and sexual rights within which it is postulated to give access to abortion, to introduce obligatory sex education in its most permissive version and to remove barriers to access to medical services related to sexuality of minors.


Dubravka Szuica, the commissioner for democracy and demography known for conservative views, could act as a counterbalance. Being the MEP, she voted against the European Parliament resolution promoting access to health and reproductive and sexual rights as well as against resolutions on the application of the rule of law process against Hungary and Poland. However during her hearing before the European Parliament, Szuica avoided taking a clear position on this subject. The new commissioner from Croatia is to convince European citizens to show a greater commitment in the “European democracy”. She has stated that one of her priorities is to fight against demographic problems such as ageing of European societies and the phenomena of “brain drain”. Moreover, her tasks will include the organisation of the Future of Europe Conference in 2020. Within her mandate, Szuica is to coordiante works on supporting balance between the professional and private life and to prepare the strategy on protecting the rights of children.


“On the basis of the analysis of the Ursula van der Leyen declaration and the new composition of the European Commission, without a doubt it may be said that in the coming years the Commission works will be focused to a great extent on the women’s equality and rights. There is however a fully justified fear that activities undertaken will be to an even greater degree implement the postulates of the gender ideology and LGBT lobby” – stressed out Magdalena Olek from the Ordo Iuris Center of the International Law.

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