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Stop gender Convention - international coalition conference - 9th June, 12:00 AM

Published: 06.06.2020

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The European Commission intends to adopt an extremely ideological document which will negatively impact the family and social norms under the guise of combating violence. The Istanbul Convention undermines the right of parents to raise their children according to their own beliefs and regards traditional gender roles as a ‘source of violence’. In practice, the implementation of this act by the EU authorities will result in its primacy over national laws, despite the fact that the area it regulates lies outside of EU’s competencies. Ordo Iuris Institute is organising the international conference about that case. Representatives of pro-family organizations from many countries will take part in the event. At you can sign the petition against adopting the convention by EU.


The concept of violence against women – as presented in the Convention – is intended primarily to impose a radical ideology on all EU Member States. According to its provisions, the main sources of violence are the natural social structure based on a traditional family model, as well as the complementary roles of men and women. The document completely ignores the real causes of violence which, according to scientific research, are family breakdown situations and addiction-related problems. It also entirely omits the issue of violence against men, which is quite common as well.

The Convention’s creators clearly consider the family to be a potential source of harm and oppression. This serves as justification for such deep interference in family autonomy, especially since the model of combating violence proposed in the Convention means even more power for social officials, who very often abuse it – as seen in numerous countries today.

The provisions of the Convention are based on gender ideology. The act negates the importance of differences arising from biological sex and introduces the concept of ‘socio-cultural gender’. It refers to the concept of ‘gender identity’ which, as understood by radical activists, means that a person’s gender can be determined solely based on their subjective feelings. The Convention also undermines the parents’ right to raise their children in accordance with their own beliefs. Its authors demand that compulsory courses on the so-called ‘non-stereotypical gender roles’ be introduced into curricula at all levels of education.

Numerous EU officials, including Helena Dalli, the Commissioner for Equality, have already announced that the Convention will be adopted. However, implementing it would be going beyond EU’s actual competencies as for the most part it regulates substantive criminal law, which lies outside of them. Nevertheless, should the Convention be adopted, it would take precedence over the national laws of all Member States. It will no longer be possible to apply its provisions to a limited extent, as is the case in Poland today, and countries which have not implemented the document, such as Slovakia, Hungary or Bulgaria, will be under even greater pressure to adopt it.

The conference ‘Stop gender convention – the international coalition to the family’ will take place on 9th June at 12:00 AM. Live stream HERE. In the event will take part pro-family activists from eg. Spanin, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland.

‘The EU commissioners must receive a clear signal that introducing extremely ideological solutions aimed at dismantling the traditional family under the guise of combating violence against women is completely unacceptable. Only through the decisive voice of dissent expressed by all European nations will we be able to put an end to the plans of radical groups seeking to destroy our basic social structures’ – said Karolina Pawłowska, Director of the International Law Centre at Ordo Iuris.

Participants of the conference:

➡ Karolina Pawłowska - Instytut Ordo Iuris
➡ Magdalena Olek - Instytut Ordo Iuris
➡ Dr. Tymoteusz Zych - Instytut Ordo Iuris
➡ Párkányi Eszter - Center for Fundamental Rights
➡ Željka Markić - U ime obitelji
➡ Patrik Daniška - Inštitút pre ľudské práva a rodinnú politiku
➡ Andrej Ralbovsky - Nadácia Slovakia Christiana
➡ Ángel Manuel García Carmona - Centro Jurídico Tomás Moro
➡ Dr. Leontine Bakermans - One of Us Nederland
➡ Dr. Viktor Kostov - Freedom for All
➡ Alessandro Fiore - Pro Vita & Famiglia


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