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Family and marriage


Local government Charter of the Rights of the Family

Over recent months there have been attempts at the local government level in order to undermine the rights of families, including the rights of parents and children, as well as legal identity and constitutional position of marriage, which are all guaranteed by the Constitution.

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Family and marriage


International support for the Convention on the Rights of the Family – a press briefing in the Parliament

The contemporary world increasingly often undermines the identity and autonomy of family. The Convention on the Rights of the Family prepared by the Ordo Iuris Institute is to address this issue.

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Family and marriage


The Convention on the Rights of the Family - international guarantee in defence of families

The Convention on the Rights of the Family is an opportunity to treat families fairly and with dignity and to stop harmful ideologies. Lawyers of the Ordo Iuris Institute have prepared the world's first draft international agreement guaranteeing the fundamental rights and freedoms of the most discriminated social group - the family.

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Family and marriage


An LGBTI strategy to violate Member States’ family attribution through a imbricated treatment of the freedom of movements

The SSM discourse is working hard to establish the idea that EU Member States that do not legally recognize the same-sex marriages being contracted in another EU Member State, commit “serious violations of one of the fundamental EU principles – freedom of movement of citizens”. Clearly the intention of this argument is to convince the politicians and the general public that the free movement of persons requires the possibility that “every” family (defined as every kind of partnership), shall be able to move together in the EU.

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Family and marriage

Demographic Policy of the EU and the Population Challenges faced by Member States

The purpose of this document is to present the main principles applied by the EU in its demographic policy and to confront them with actual expectations of European women and families. The first two parts of this paper describe the actions undertaken by the EU in order to fight the demographic crisis, and its gender equality policy. Consecutive parts will confront these main considerations with statistical data showing women’s aspirations as regards maternity and gainful employment as well as with scientific research on the consequences of nursery and preschool enrolment on children’s development.   
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Family and marriage


At the OSCE conference on pathologies related to the functioning Barnevernet

At the OSCE conference in Warsaw, the Ordo Iuris Institute organized a panel devoted to assessment of the functioning of the Norwegian Child Welfare Agency Barnevernet. Ordo Iuris experts pointed out the need to take steps to protect Norwegians seeking shelter in Poland as well as systemic support for Poles living in Norway today.
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