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Freedom of conscience

The Ordo Iuris Institute has been involved in defending professionals: doctors, pharmacists, nurses and midwives, who are committed to practicing their profession in accordance with reliable medical knowledge and their own conscience. We believe that defending the rights of conscience of medical professionals may ensure for all Poles freedom from state interference in this area of human life, which is fundamental for our identity. The Ordo Iuris lawyers provide legal assistance to Professor Bogdan Chazan, whose story has contributed like nothing else to the development of social awareness of the obligation to oppose the statutory lawlessness, including the admissibility of eugenically motivated abortion.

Recognising the need to expand the scope of activities undertaken by the Institute, we are constantly committed to defending freedom of conscience in international forums, intervening and participating in numerous initiatives for religious freedom and freedom of conscience in the European Parliament, the Council of Europe and the United Nations.


First reading of the draft bill on gender harmonization withdrawn from 46th session of the Sejm

Chairman of the Sejm Ewa Kopacz announced on 23.07.2013 that, after consultation with the Council of Elders (Steering Committee of Sejm i.e. the lower Chamber of Polish Parliament)...
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Irregularities in the bill on gender harmonization as contained in Parliamentary File 1469.

Until July 20th there was an erroneous text of the Parliamentary File 1469 containing draft bill on gender harmonization introduced by the group of the envoys from new-left political party “Palikot Movement”.

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OSCE Parliamentary Assembly rejected a proposal for considering resolution advancing LGBT agenda

During its 22nd Session in Istanbul on June 29th the Standing Committee of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly refused to include a project for Resolution 26 in the Plenary Session Agenda.
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Legal Analysis