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Family and marriage


Speaker of the Polish Sejm Advances "Stop the Pornography Drug" Bill to First Reading

• On January 20, Sejm Speaker Szymon Hołownia announced that the citizens' bill aimed at protecting minors from online pornography would proceed to its first reading in the Sejm, the lower house of Poland's parliament.

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Institute Activity


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The Ordo Iuris Institute is an independent research and litigation center that shapes the social debate as a defender of life, family, freedom, and Poland’s Christian heritage. By providing legal professionalism, scholarly activities, education, and precedent-setting litigation intervention, we strengthen both national and international guarantees of fundamental rights and freedoms.

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Civil liberties


A year of devastation of the rule of law by the EU-supported Left in Poland

• Over a year has passed since Donald Tusk’s latest government was established in Poland.

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Civil liberties


Privileging certain groups and restricting freedom of speech in Poland just like in Western countries

• The Polish Sejm is working on a bill to criminalize so-called “hate speech”.

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Civil liberties


Most violence against women occurs in countries that have adopted the Istanbul Convention – latest EU report

• The results of the latest report, EU Gender-based Violence Survey – Key Results, on the topic of violence against women, which includes data from 27 member states, show that Scandinavian countries such as Denmark, Finland, and Sweden have some of the highest rates of violence against women (52%, 47%, and 46%, respectively).

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