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The “Estrela Report” adopted once again by the FEMM Committee

The vote was 19 in favour, 14 against. The text was slightly modified prior to the vote but still remains critical with regard to the role of parents as the first and primary educators of their children as the report promotes sexual education inspired by a radical agenda including “early childhood masturbation”.
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Family and marriage


Constitutional referendum in Croatia

Citizens initiative "In the name of the family" has in May 2013 collected around 750 000 signatures (20% of the voting population) so that a constitutional referendum can be held in Croatia with a question:...
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The resolution violates the basic principle of subsidiarity

On 13 April, 2016 the European Parliament, in a plenary meeting, adopted a resolution on the situation in Poland (2015/3031(RSP)).
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Life protection


Civic Legislation Initiative: Equal legal protection for children before and after birth

Ordo Iuris Institute has prepared a draft and justification of an act, submitted on March 14th to the Speaker of the lower house of the Parliament, together with a notice of establishment of the Legislative Initiative Committee „Stop Abortion”...
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Life protection


New verdicts in favor of pro-life activists

I. The Circuit Court in Rzeszów (Poland), in the appellate review, on the 22nd of December acquitted Jacek Kotula and Przemysław Sycz, pro-life activists of the Fundation ‘Pro – Prawo do życia’ of the defamation charge of the “Pro-Familia” hospital in Rzeszów (no. II Ka 330/15).
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