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Polish Constitutional Tribunal dismissed limitations to medical doctors conscientious objection

On 7th of October 2015 the Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of Poland, sitting as Grand Chamber, issued a verdict in a case K 12/14, regarding the freedom of conscience of a medical doctors. The constitutional review concerned statutory conditions for rising conscientious objection. It has particular importance to those physicians who refuse performance of abortion, prescription of contraceptives or IVF procedure pharmaceuticals. The Tribunal stated that a right to conscientious objection must be respected even if not expressly admitted in statutory form.

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Paul Cameron wins defamation lawsuit against LGBT Association

Toruń, Poland: The District Court ruled on July 1st that the LGBT Association together with a group of its members have to apologize to American psychologist...
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The European Parliament is discussing the extermination of women called gendericide

Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality of the European Parliament (FEMM) shows that the world's population is "missing" almost 200 million women.
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The European Citizens’ Initiative ONE OF US challenges the European institutions before the General Court of the European Union

On July 25th 2014, the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) ONE OF US lodged an application before the General Court of the European Union (Luxembourg) against the European Commission, the Council of the EU, and the European Parliament...
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Life protection


ECLJ calls the UN to request the universal prohibition of late abortion

The European Centre for Law and Justice, in a statement to the Human Rights Council of the United-Nations, called for a prohibition of abortion throughout the world after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

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Family and marriage


World Family Declaration

The World Family Declaration, an initiative of the World Congress of Families and endorsed by pro-family organizations across the globe, is now online at and available for electronic signature.
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