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Family and marriage


Ordo Iuris lawyers applied for asylum for a Norwegian citizen and her 8-month-old daughter

A citizen of Norway fleeing from unauthorized intervention of the Child Welfare Service (Barnevernet) found refuge in Poland. Lawyers of the Ordo Juris Institute submitted on her behalf an application for asylum, indicating violation of international law by Barnevernet. Now, the future of the family depends solely on the decision of Polish authorities.
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Ordo Iuris at the OSCE conference on hate crimes against Christians and defenders of life

At the annual conference of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Ordo Iuris Institute organized a panel on the issue of hate crime and hate speech. Ordo Iuris experts pointed out that attacks against Christians and defenders of life are often ignored or downplayed in discussions on the subject.
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Time to react to this genocide! Persecution of Christians and international instruments of reacting to crimes perpetrated by ISIS

Report of the Ordo Juris Institute: "Persecutions of Christians: Time to React to Genocide” leaves no illusions - persecution of Christians is a fact that is a hot potato on the international forum. However, the time has come for the international community to respond accordingly and to use the right instruments to adequately punish the perpetrators and stop the genocide. Membership of our country in the UN Security Council gives Poland a unique opportunity to initiate action in the international arena to defend the followers of Christ killed because of their faith.
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Family and marriage


Success of the Mum Dad & Kids Initiative - over one million signatures of EU citizens

Europeans have put over one million signatures in defence of the identity of marriage and family. Minimum quotas of signatures have been reached in 14 EU countries. This constitutes very relevant support for defending the identity of marriage and family in Europe. Further steps concerning the initiative belong to the European Commission.
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Ordo Iuris report to the OSCE on hate crimes

For the third time, the Ordo Iuris Institute has prepared a report on hate crimes committed in Poland. The report will be part of a pan-European OSCE report prepared on the basis of data provided by national governments and non-governmental organizations.
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Ordo Iuris has been granted consultative status with the UN

The UN Economic and Social Council has granted special consultative status to Ordo Iuris. It allows the Institute to undertake a series of activities at the UN forum, including consultation, direct involvement in the work of the Council, and also verification of its activities and implemented solutions.
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