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Family and marriage


Parliamentarians from across Europe against UK project to create 3-parent-embryo

At their last plenary session, several members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), have signed Written Declaration No. 557 criticising the United Kingdom’s proposal to allow scientists to genetically engineer human embryos using DNA from three parents.
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The Estrela report will be voted in FEMM on the 26th of November

The very controversial Estrela report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights shall be voted in FEMM on the 26th of November.
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Family and marriage


Commissioner for Children’s Rights is obliged to provide explanation

As a result of the actions taken up by Ordo Iuris Intervention Centre Regional Administrative Court in Warsaw obliged the Commissioner for Children’s Rights to provide a exhaustive explanation for the request for information about the course and conclusion of the meeting with the Campaign Against Homophobia activists on 17 April 2013.
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Life protection


European Parliament: Blitzkrieg against the right to life

The EU-Parliament will politically neutralize the European Citizen Initiative "One of Us" by a resolution claiming a fundamental right to abortion.
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Life protection


European Parliament Draft Resolution promotes abortion and attacks conscientious objection

A resolution on “Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights” (SRHR) will be debated and put to a vote on the 22nd October in the European Parliament.
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Life protection


Ordo Iuris intervention: children released from wrongly ordered foster care

Decision of the District Court for Warszawa Praga-Południe of September 30th 2013 ended a 10 week lasting drama of Katarzyna Boryc and her family.
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