With a population of 16 million, Guatemala confirms its position as the leader of the Americas in the protection of human life at the prenatal stage of development.
Guatemala confirms its high rank in the sphere of protection of human life. Abortion has been banned there for many years (with a guarantee of saving the mother's life, if threatened) by the Criminal Code and the Constitution.
The Convention on the Rights of the Family is an opportunity to treat families fairly and with dignity and to stop harmful ideologies. Lawyers of the Ordo Iuris Institute have prepared the world's first draft international agreement guaranteeing the fundamental rights and freedoms of the most discriminated social group - the family.
The Constitutional Tribunal has still not considered the motion for declaring the unconstitutionality of provisions allowing eugenic abortion. In the opinion of the so-called frie
The UN monitoring bodies examine the Member States' compliance with the international human rights treaties and their implementation. In this context, the Ordo Iuris Institute has submitted three important reports to the United Nations concerning the protection of life and motherhood in Poland, indicating i.a. the inadmissibility of legislation that endangers the lives of unborn children with disabilities and discrimination against mothers dedicating their time to childcare.