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Ordo Iuris

Family and marriage


The European Parliament condemns discrimination against parents by the Jugendamt

The European Parliament adopted a resolution on the role of the German Children and Youth Office (Jugendamt) in cross-border family disputes. This document is the first such decisive act of the EU institutions, condemning systemic discrimination of parents from other countries by the German state. At the same time, after the June resolution of the Council of Europe, it is another case of an international organization criticizing unjustified separation of children from their parents. The Ordo Iuris Institute has prepared an analysis of the EP document.
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Hundreds of hate crimes against Christians in Europe - OSCE report

In recent years there have been numerous acts of hostility towards Christians in Poland and other countries. They are described in the latest report of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe on hate crimes. It takes into account crimes reported by Ordo Iuris against Christians in Poland.

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Life protection


The UN urge the member states to support abortion

The United Nations order the states that have ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (including Poland) to guarantee the "right to abortion".

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Family and marriage


Ordo Iuris notes: the UN supports "gender struggle" and abortion

Ordo Iuris points out that the Commission on the Status of Women, which is a UN body, under the guise of "strengthening women" intends to promote the ideological "gender struggle" and abortive killing of unborn children. At the same time, it marginalises mothers who devote themselves to bringing up their children.

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Ordo Iuris defends family at OSCE conference

Ordo Iuris has long undertaken international activities aimed at protecting the family. These included the Institute's experts' participation in the Human Dimension Implementation Meeting organised in Warsaw by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

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Life protection


Poland insufficiently protects the lives of unborn children - Ordo Iuris conference

There are many myths about the legal protection of life in the public space. One of them is the claim that Poland, in comparison to most countries of the world, protects the life of unborn children very well. This was the topic of a press conference of the Ordo Iuris Institute.

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