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Life protection


Groundbreaking US Supreme Court ruling "Dobbs v Jackson" as an essential step to better protect human life

Under the 1973 US Supreme Court ruling in the Roe v Wade case, "the right to abortion" was considered to be derived from the US Constitution and therefore applicable to everyone throughout the United States. The possibility of abortion was supposed to result from the right to privacy. This verdict clearly changed the previous policy of the states in the matter of respecting human life in the prenatal period of development.

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Life protection


Katarzyna Gęsiak: The USA has a beautiful tradition of protecting the lives of unborn children

The opinion of the majority of the US judiciary in the case of the famous Roe v. Wade judgment caused a great stir in the public, mainly American opinion. It was published in early May on the website Regardless of the final shape of the Supreme Court's decision, the conclusion formulated in the title stems directly from the circumstances widely cited in the explanatory memorandum to the bill.

The myth of the pro-abortion United States

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Life protection


Ordo Iuris monitors compliance with the law in Polish hospitals

· The Ordo Iuris Institute sent requests to several hundred hospitals for access to public information on the number of abortions performed in a situation of pregnancy resulting from a criminal act.

· Media reports suggest that due to the war in Ukraine, the number of abortions performed on the basis of this premise may have increased in Poland.

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Life protection


Medical errors and the abortion law. Lessons from Ireland for Poland – a report by Ordo Iuris

· In recent months, the media in Poland have widely reported on the tragic deaths of two women, one in Pszczyna and the other in Częstochowa. In both situations, the patients were taken to hospitals due to pregnancy complications and died during hospitalisation, as did their unborn children.

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Life protection


Stop using war for ideological purposes. Appeal to the Prime Minister

At the time when innocent people are being killed every day in Ukraine and millions are struggling to access to basic life needs, the leftist lobby is trying to increase the death toll and insists on introducing abortion on demand and on expanding the access to abortion pills.

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Life protection


International coalition to protect unborn life. The Ordo Iuris Institute is among the signatories of the appeal to the President of France

· The Ordo Iuris Institute joined the signatories of the letter of the international coalition of civil organizations opposing the intention of including abortion in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

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