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Life protection


Social engineering and abortion promotion – ideological postulations at the UN Forum

The UN again is promoting the demands of the LGBT and pro-abortion movements. During the event organised by UN Women, a lot of postulations that were voiced were targeted against the family.

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Life protection


Fight with coronavirus as a pretext for promoting abortion. An ideological resolution of the European Parliament

Once again, under the pretext of actions concerning fight with coronavirus, the European Parliament promotes radical demands regarding the promotion of abortion and claims of LGBT activists.

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Life protection


WHO recommends the use of abortion drugs and persuades governments to lift restrictions that make abortion difficult

The ongoing pandemic of COVID – 19 prompted the World Health Organization (WHO) to extend the instructions from the interim guide, released on March 25. The updated version from June 1 contains several recommendations, referring to essential medical services, which, according to WHO, have been partly limited due to the pandemic.

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Life protection


The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Strategic Plan includes promotion of abortion

Demands of radical ideological circles are gaining support in the United Nations.

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Life protection


The Council of Europe presses Poland to expand access to abortion and punish those hospitals that do not perform it

The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe requested Polish authorities to create procedures for easier killing of children through abortion. The institution also requires the collection of information about hospitals where doctors invoke the conscience clause. The Committee demands easier methods for objecting to decisions by physicians who refuse to perform abortion.

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Life protection


The World Health Organisation needs reforms

The crisis caused by the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic highlighted the numerous difficulties faced by modern societies worldwide. However, it has also clearly shown the problems related to the World Health Organisation’s activities.

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