We defend the natural identity of marriage as a reality linking a woman and a man in a permanent, exclusive relationship of a deep psychological, sexual and economic relationship, naturally oriented towards having children. We act as spokesmen affirmed in the national constitutional order and acts of international law, the truth about the family, as a natural environment for the development and well-being of all its members, in particular children, the source of diversity of free society. We emphasize that the most complete guarantee of children's good is education by biological parents who are married.
The full development of this natural growth environment requires good law, respecting the constitutional principles of subsidiarity, protection of the family and its life, determining the limits of state interference in family life. A law that recognizes the primacy of parents over you in the matter of bringing up children in accordance with your conscience and convictions. That is why we examine family policy instruments and act actively in defending the family, motherhood and parenthood where they are threatened by discriminatory practices of the legislator.
The European Commission intends to launch the first LGBT Equality Strategy, whose aim will be to promote the LGBT ideology in Member States. The Strategy will contain demands, among others granting same-sex cohabiting couples with the privileges of married couples, including adoption.
The European Court of Human Rights allowed a Nigerian woman living in Spain to keep in touch with her son. The woman had fought for the right to visit her child regularly and for the suspension of his adoption for a few years.
1. We wish to express our support for the plan announced by Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki, which involves filing a request to the Constitutional Tribunal to review the constitutionality of the Istanbul Convention.
In the last few days, the possibility of termination of the Istanbul Convention by Poland has been intensely discussed. This document contains a number of ideological provisions under the guise of fighting against violence towards women.
During a press conference Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has informed that the Istanbul Convention will be sent to the Constitutional Tribunal and that Poland has launched international cooperation in order to adopt the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of Families.
The Christian Social Congress and the Ordo Iuris Institute for Legal Culture, supported by dozens of pro-family organisations, have started a citizens’ legislative initiative “Yes to Family, No to Gender”.
Family and marriage
On 29 November 2018, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the role of the German Children and Youth Offi
Family and marriage