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Family and Marriage

We defend the natural identity of marriage as a reality linking a woman and a man in a permanent, exclusive relationship of a deep psychological, sexual and economic relationship, naturally oriented towards having children. We act as spokesmen affirmed in the national constitutional order and acts of international law, the truth about the family, as a natural environment for the development and well-being of all its members, in particular children, the source of diversity of free society. We emphasize that the most complete guarantee of children's good is education by biological parents who are married.

The full development of this natural growth environment requires good law, respecting the constitutional principles of subsidiarity, protection of the family and its life, determining the limits of state interference in family life. A law that recognizes the primacy of parents over you in the matter of bringing up children in accordance with your conscience and convictions. That is why we examine family policy instruments and act actively in defending the family, motherhood and parenthood where they are threatened by discriminatory practices of the legislator.


Family and marriage


Another harmful initiative of Bartosz Staszewski. Ordo Iuris in defence of pro-family local authorities

LGBT activist Bartosz Staszewski once again placed deceitful signs informing about the alleged 'LGBT-free zones' at the entrances to the villages where pro-family resolutions were adopted.

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Family and marriage


Manipulation of LGBT activists. Co-author of the fake news on pro-family local governments avoids trial

Polish local governments that have adopted pro-family resolutions are still being attacked by LGBT activists.

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Family and marriage


Extreme ideology instead of combating violence - analysis of the Istanbul Convention and GREVIO documents

The Istanbul Convention is a document that constantly causes controversy both in Poland and in other European countries. Under the guise of combating violence, it introduces many radical proposals of gender ideology. The documents issued by GREVIO, i.e.

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Family and marriage


Family from the Netherlands safe in Poland. Ordo Iuris in defence of the parents of a disabled boy

The Regional Court in Warsaw did not agree to extradite Ekaterina and Conrad den Hertog - parents of a boy with autism who fled to Poland with their son - to the Dutch authorities.

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Family and marriage


Yes to Family, No to Gender – Legislative Initiative Committee registered in the Sejm

The Sejm has registered the Citizens’ Initiative Committee “Yes to Family, No to Gender”. The initiative is aimed at terminating the Istanbul Convention by the Polish government. The Committee has submitted the first 3,500 signatures under the project.

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Family and marriage


Strasbourg Court judgment contrary to biological facts. Bulgarian authorities must recognise a woman as a man

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) sided with a Bulgarian woman who, contrary to Bulgarian law, demanded that she be recognised as a man. The courts refused to register her as a man in the civil status records, as her legal gender must correspond to her biological gender.

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Legal Analysis

Family and marriage

Analysis of the resolution of the European Parliament on the role of the German Children and Youth Office (Jugendamt) in cross-border family disputes

On 29 November 2018, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the role of the German Children and Youth Offi

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Family and marriage

Demographic Policy of the EU and the Population Challenges faced by Member States

The purpose of this document is to present the main principles applied by the EU in its demographic policy and to confront them with actual expectations of European women and families. The first two parts of this paper describe the actions undertaken by the EU in order to fight the demographic crisis, and its gender equality policy. Consecutive parts will confront these main considerations with statistical data showing women’s aspirations as regards maternity and gainful employment as well as with scientific research on the consequences of nursery and preschool enrolment on children’s development.   
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