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Freedom of conscience

The Ordo Iuris Institute has been involved in defending professionals: doctors, pharmacists, nurses and midwives, who are committed to practicing their profession in accordance with reliable medical knowledge and their own conscience. We believe that defending the rights of conscience of medical professionals may ensure for all Poles freedom from state interference in this area of human life, which is fundamental for our identity. The Ordo Iuris lawyers provide legal assistance to Professor Bogdan Chazan, whose story has contributed like nothing else to the development of social awareness of the obligation to oppose the statutory lawlessness, including the admissibility of eugenically motivated abortion.

Recognising the need to expand the scope of activities undertaken by the Institute, we are constantly committed to defending freedom of conscience in international forums, intervening and participating in numerous initiatives for religious freedom and freedom of conscience in the European Parliament, the Council of Europe and the United Nations.


“The Government will strive to define a framework for the functioning of social networking services” – response given by the Chancellery of the Prime Minister to Ordo Iuris

The Chancellery of the Prime Minister responded to the appeal of the Ordo Iuris Institute and Polish Journalist Association on fighting censorship on the Internet. The petition and report on this issue were submitted to the Chancellery in January this year.

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Hate crimes against Christians on the rise. OSCE report

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe has published its annual report, which shows that the number of religious hate crimes continues to increase. Christians are their target in all of the OSCE member states. It is shaped, amongst others, by the political and media marginalisation of this social group or presenting its detrimental image.

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Doctor Chazan refused to abort her child, so she submitted an application to the Strasbourg Court. Ordo Iuris intervenes

There are ongoing proceedings at the European Court of Human Rights against Poland, initiated by an application from a woman who was refused an abortion by Doctor Bogdan Chazan.

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Ordo Iuris fights against manipulation. The Institute sues Agnieszka Holland and Anna Maria Żukowska

Ordo Iuris lawyers have taken legal action against the film director Agnieszka Holland and the leftist MP Anna Maria Żukowska. They have publicly slandered the Institute, claiming its actions are “fascist”.

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Charges filed against an IKEA manager who dismissed an employee for quoting the Bible

The District Prosecutor's Office in Warsaw has charged an IKEA human resources manager with restricting employee rights regarding the freedom of religion.

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The wave of hatred towards Christians in Poland is getting stronger. Ordo Iuris report to the OSCE

The number of acts of hostility against Christians in Poland is increasing. In 2019, there were physcial attacks on priests, including those with the use of a knife, disrupting services or devastating objects of worship. There were also numerous anti-Christian provocations by LGBT activists.

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Legal Analysis