The changes observed in contemporary legal culture are often conditioned by processes taking place outside Poland. Not always and not all of these processes can be considered consistent with the axiology of the Polish constitution. Therefore, the commitment to respect the Polish political order must also encompass actions at the level of international and supranational structures.
We are involved in the activities of the Council of Europe, the OSCE and the UN, however, a special role in this respect is played by the permanent presence of Ordo Iuris at the institutions of the European Union and the operation of the Institute's office in Brussels. The first months of work at the EU level have already revealed the enormous demand by the deputies for our analyses. We are striving to ensure that politicians are equipped with substantive arguments allowing them to propose solutions strengthening the protection of natural human dignity and civil liberties, as well as to counteract processes that weaken the integrity of the Polish constitutional order. Preparation of legal analyses, opinions or informative materials in the field of European law, as well as expert interventions by the Institute's lawyers at the EU forum are thus becoming one of the most important aspects of Ordo Iuris' activity.
In addition, we also inform the Polish society about the actions undertaken by these supranational structures and their possible consequences for Poland. We want Poles to be aware of the processes that will shape their lives. We have no doubt that the international involvement of Ordo Iuris, which is already a serious aspect of our activity, will develop dynamically.
The widespread killing of girls in India through sex-selective abortion and infanticide can be traced to coercive programs instituted by population alarmists, UN agencies, abortion groups and affluent countries including the United States.
“Sex-selection abortion was – a violent, nefarious and deliberate policy imposed on the world by the pro-abortion population control movement – it’s not an accident,” said Congressman Chris Smith, chairman of the subcommittee on Africa, Global Health and Human Rights.
For several decades the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has taken an evolutive approach to the meaning of the European Convention on Human Rights, and the notion that the Convention is “a living instrument”1 now appears to be uncontested.