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Family and Marriage

We defend the natural identity of marriage as a reality linking a woman and a man in a permanent, exclusive relationship of a deep psychological, sexual and economic relationship, naturally oriented towards having children. We act as spokesmen affirmed in the national constitutional order and acts of international law, the truth about the family, as a natural environment for the development and well-being of all its members, in particular children, the source of diversity of free society. We emphasize that the most complete guarantee of children's good is education by biological parents who are married.

The full development of this natural growth environment requires good law, respecting the constitutional principles of subsidiarity, protection of the family and its life, determining the limits of state interference in family life. A law that recognizes the primacy of parents over you in the matter of bringing up children in accordance with your conscience and convictions. That is why we examine family policy instruments and act actively in defending the family, motherhood and parenthood where they are threatened by discriminatory practices of the legislator.


Family and marriage


Strasbourg Court: state has no obligation to recognize "third sex"

· The European Court of Human Rights has dismissed the complaint of a French man suffering from hermaphroditism who demanded that a notation of "neutral" or "intersex" gender be entered on his birth certificate.

· The courts refused, pointing out that his request was essentially a demand for the establishment of a "third gender," while French law only recognizes male and female sex.

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Family and marriage


The defeat of "Atlas of Hate" and the victory of truth

The European Commission has been conducting a special "infringement procedure" against Poland since July 2021. EU officials claimed that Poland was discriminating against people with homosexual tendencies and experiencing "gender identity" disorders. Evidence of this discrimination was to be found in alleged "LGBT-free zones." This is an obvious lie by the LGBT activists themselves, who, by the way, openly boasted on social media that thanks to them the Commission is screening Poland.

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Family and marriage


Bulgaria's Supreme Court: judicial "sex change" is impossible

· Bulgaria's Supreme Court has ruled that "gender reassignment" through legal proceedings is inadmissible under Bulgaria's current state of the law.

· The Supreme Court stressed that "gender is recognized at birth and defines a person until death."

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Family and marriage


European Commission step toward forcing states to recognize same-sex parenthood

· The European Commission has drafted an EU regulation that would make it compulsory for EU states to recognize each other's decisions establishing parenthood.

· As a result, Poland would be obliged to recognize the legal force of a document certifying same-sex parenthood.

· The EU regulations are directly applicable - their provisions do not require implementation into the national legal order.

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Family and marriage


EU law does not require legalization of surrogacy and "breeding" of humans in laboratories - Ordo Iuris analysis

- Politicians of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's party are demanding the legalization of surrogacy and ectogenesis, or "breeding" of humans in laboratory conditions, claiming that this is a condition for Ukraine's admission to the European Union.

- At the request of Ukrainian social organizations, the Ordo Iuris Institute has prepared an opinion pointing out the groundlessness of such a thesis.

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Family and marriage


ECHR Grand Chamber ruling may force Poland to institutionalize same-sex unions - Ordo Iuris analysis

- In early 2023. The Grand Chamber of the Strasbourg Court found a violation of the right to respect for private and family life of a group of same-sex couples due to the inability to formalize their relationship.

- The Ordo Iuris Institute has prepared an analysis in which it points out that although the Grand Chamber's judgment is formally addressed to the Russian Federation, in practice it may affect Poland and other European countries.

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Legal Analysis

Family and marriage

The position of the Ordo Iuris Institute for legal culture in respect of the letter to marshals of provinces

On the 27th of May 2020, two representatives of the European Commission – Mr Joost Korte, Director-General of the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and Marc Lemaître, Director-General of the Directorate General for Region

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Family and marriage

Problems with the conception of “gender” and “gender-equality”

“Gender” is a relatively new term, the origins of which lie in some psychological and sociological theories. It has its special place in the second and third wave of feminist concepts. It should be emphasised that this term carries a strong ideological charge.

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Family and marriage

8th term of the European Parliament: Summary

The elections in the European Union are an opportunity to summarise the most important activities of the 8th European Parliament, as well as the activity of Polish MEPs in matters relating to the protection of life from conception, the identity of marriage, or the right of parents to raise children in accordance with their own beliefs.

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