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Life protection

Ordo Iuris Institute is committed to upholding the unquestionable value of human life from conception to natural death. We demand an unambiguous affirmation of the constitutional principles ensuring the legal protection of life for every human being. Following the constitutional case-law, we emphasise that there can be no protection of human dignity, unless sufficient foundations have been created for the protection of life.

We are fully determined to halt the progressive erosion of the institutions of national and international law, which, in the intention of their creators, were meant to uphold the inviolability of human dignity and the right to life. We are monitoring the authorities, which, having forgotten the lessons of history, usurp for themselves the right to indicate which "life is not worthy of living", deprived of the absolute protection of the State.

We protect our country against the trends that consider abortion, artificial in vitro insemination or euthanasia, i.e. activities inherently connected with the annihilation of human life as "human rights".

Our lawyers defend pro-life activists courageously proclaiming the truth about the bloody and brutal nature of abortion techniques, support emerging civil movements for the protection of life, participate in the national legislative process and prepare numerous analyses, proposals and memoranda addressed to international organisations.


Life protection


The trial of Justyna Wydrzynska continues. The husband of the woman to whom the defendant sent abortifacients testified before the court

· The trial of Justyna Wydrzyńska, an activist of the Abortion Dream Team, is underway before the Warsaw-Prague District Court.

· The indictment alleges aiding and abetting a pharmacological abortion.

· At the last hearing appeared the first of the witnesses - the father of the child whom the accused wanted to assist in the abortion.

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Life protection


Polish President responds to Ordo Iuris' appeal on UN promotion of abortion as a human right

The Office of the President of the Republic of Poland has responded to an appeal by Ordo Iuris, in which the Institute points out that the UN General Assembly resolution on violence against women could be a tool to pressure states to position the so-called right to abortion as a human right. Before and after the document's adoption, the Institute issued appeals to the President highlighting the dangers of the resolution and calling for opposition to the UN's imposed interpretation of human rights.

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Life protection


European Convention on Human Rights again at center of fight for freedom to kill

The case before a Dutch court concerned euthanasia, specifically the freedom to access so-called assisted suicide. In a December 14 ruling, the district court in The Hague ruled that the legality of assisted suicide will remain limited in the Netherlands to situations in which it is performed by a doctor while adhering to the rules set forth in the law.

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Life protection


They are speeding up! The UN will impose abortion "on demand" on the world?

The UN General Assembly's Third Committee has adopted a draft resolution on preventing violence against women, stating that "access to safe abortion" is to be part of "the human rights of all women." There is no doubt that a powerful lobby at the UN is pushing for the comprehensive inclusion of abortion in the human rights system - against the majority of countries in the world! Characteristically, abortion is combined with extreme ideology in the draft. In just 14 pages of the resolution, the word "gender" appears as many as 80 times.

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Life protection


UN draft resolution: Poland does not support an amendment removing the possibility of recognizing abortion as a human right

· The UN General Assembly's Third Committee - the largest UN body responsible for addressing human rights issues - has approved a draft resolution on the elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls, "gender stereotypes" and "negative social norms."

· The draft will now be submitted to the United Nations General Assembly for final adoption.

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Life protection


Poland on the target of the abortion lobby in the European Parliament. Debate with the participation of Polish MEPs

During a recent debate in the European Parliament, there was a speech by several representatives of the pro-abortion community, in which a handful of pro-abortion MEPs headed by Robert Biedron Pietro Bartolo and Malin Björk also took an active part. Much was said about women's rights and interests, but only in the context of the demand for unfettered access to procedures for the killing of unborn children.

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Legal Analysis

Life protection

Analysis of the draft Covenant on the right to development

- A new international treaty, the Pact for the Right to Development, is being drafted at the UN Human Rights Council Working Group.

- The basic premise of the Pact is a formal commitment by states to engage in the construction of universal and possibly widespread prosperity.

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Life protection

Analysis of the Guatemalan act on the protection of life and family (draft law no. 5272) and Guatemala's previous activities for the protection of conceived life

With a population of 16 million, Guatemala confirms its position as the leader of the Americas in the protection of human life at the prenatal stage of development.

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Life protection


On compliance of the Penal Code with Brazil’s international obligations concerning the right to life and the rights of the child.
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