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Life protection

Ordo Iuris Institute is committed to upholding the unquestionable value of human life from conception to natural death. We demand an unambiguous affirmation of the constitutional principles ensuring the legal protection of life for every human being. Following the constitutional case-law, we emphasise that there can be no protection of human dignity, unless sufficient foundations have been created for the protection of life.

We are fully determined to halt the progressive erosion of the institutions of national and international law, which, in the intention of their creators, were meant to uphold the inviolability of human dignity and the right to life. We are monitoring the authorities, which, having forgotten the lessons of history, usurp for themselves the right to indicate which "life is not worthy of living", deprived of the absolute protection of the State.

We protect our country against the trends that consider abortion, artificial in vitro insemination or euthanasia, i.e. activities inherently connected with the annihilation of human life as "human rights".

Our lawyers defend pro-life activists courageously proclaiming the truth about the bloody and brutal nature of abortion techniques, support emerging civil movements for the protection of life, participate in the national legislative process and prepare numerous analyses, proposals and memoranda addressed to international organisations.


Life protection


Strasbourg Court rejects Prof. Chazan's patient's complaint over refusal of eugenic abortion

· The European Court of Human Rights has rejected the complaint of a patient of Prof. Bogdan Chazan, who in 2014 refused to kill her unborn child, citing the conscience clause.

· The child suffered from a serious developmental defect, and his mother wanted an abortion at the Holy Family Hospital in Warsaw, which Prof. Chazan headed.

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Life protection


Fourth Supreme Court verdict acquitting pro-life activist

· The Supreme Court has acquitted Mariusz Dzierżawski, president of the Pro - Right to Life Foundation, who was punished by a court in Wroclaw.

· The reason for the activist's acquittal was his presentation of photos showing the effects of abortion, which, according to the lower courts, was supposed to be an "indecent" act.

· The Supreme Court found the cassation brought by the Prosecutor General as "obviously justified."

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Life protection


ECHR: forcing a 20-year-old to have an abortion by her parents is inhumane treatment

· The European Court of Human Rights ruled that the coercion of a Russian mother to have an abortion constituted "an outrageous case of inhuman and degrading treatment," and awarded her 19,500 euros in compensation (about 91,000 zlotys).

· The 20-year-old girl was forcibly taken to the hospital and forced to have an abortion by her parents, who disapproved of her relationship with the man who fathered the child.

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Life protection


Universal Periodic Review at the UN: legalization of abortion and "special protection" for people with homosexual tendencies in Poland

· The UN Human Rights Council will once again conduct a Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on the protection of human rights in Poland.

· Poland will be reviewed on November 15.

· The review will take into account the country's national report, a summary of UN information on the country and a summary of recommendations from other stakeholders, including NGOs.

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Life protection


European Commission to inspect implementation of ideological demands

· The European Commission has launched an initiative to review the implementation of Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by European Union member states.

· The 2030 Agenda is a roadmap with an agenda for solving the world's most pressing - in the assumption of its authors - economic, social and environmental problems.

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Life protection


UN: Attempt to include gender ideology demands in food security agreement

- The Committee on World Food Security is working on "Voluntary Guidelines on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls in the Context of Food Security and Nutrition."

- The U.S. and the European Union have blocked the agreement by demanding that the document include terms referring to gender ideology, including "reproductive and sexual rights," among others.

- Some UN countries refused to sign the agreement in this form.

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Legal Analysis

Life protection

Analysis of the draft Covenant on the right to development

- A new international treaty, the Pact for the Right to Development, is being drafted at the UN Human Rights Council Working Group.

- The basic premise of the Pact is a formal commitment by states to engage in the construction of universal and possibly widespread prosperity.

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Life protection

Analysis of the Guatemalan act on the protection of life and family (draft law no. 5272) and Guatemala's previous activities for the protection of conceived life

With a population of 16 million, Guatemala confirms its position as the leader of the Americas in the protection of human life at the prenatal stage of development.

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Life protection


On compliance of the Penal Code with Brazil’s international obligations concerning the right to life and the rights of the child.
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